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The Rabbit

The ability to bring forth new life is no lite affair. It is wrought with theological, social, economic and personal meaning. As one thinks, from a young age, about children the mind trends toward the excitement of children and then the economic ramifications of 1,2 or even 3 young adults. Eventually we look around at what others, who have gone before us, have done. Our problem is we discount the wisdom of anyone who isn't current. We consider current circumstances and the prevailing thought birthed from these circumstance. I was in this camp for many years. It was only when I began to consider with equal weight ideas and testimony from folks who have been dismmissed, who are dead, or who have thoughts that go back more than thirty years that I was able to see with more clearity the significance and responsibility of children. Being a parent of 4 I have considered the responsibility of raising children to love God, the dynamic of having children grow up to become friends, the joy and hard work of being a parent and the capacity that our family has been given from God to do His work. To me these thoughts seem to outwiegh college tuition, nicer vacations and a bigger retirement.


Ah, 'be fruitful and multiply'. But surely this doesn't mean multiplying indefinitely? After all, the point of multiplying in the Lord's command is to "fill the earth". However, once the earth is filled (a difficult term, I admit), then might one have a Sabbath rest? I fear I am of two minds on the whole issue. On the one hand, the entire anti-life reaction to "overpopulation" genuinely seems to see people as problems, consumers, and burdens on the earth. On the other hand, surely the effect of our being fruitful has been calamitous to the world God gave us. A simple drive down the 405 of LA will indicate what we do with the space, land, and resources we are given. It's not far from a industrial inferno. And thus the dilemma: we must neither deprive our descendents of the very basic 'right to exist' (by contraception, abortion, and population paranoia) nor treat our creation as we do presently by existing. It may be that we should live, but not live as we do....

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