Welcome to our new blog.
We're just twelve pilgrims on the same road, heading to the same land. Our journeys have been, and remain, quite different. While we've been walking for some time, we're just beginning to write about it. And, as you might discern, we've not done it before. All first-time bloggers. All in need of more time.
The time we do have is spent pursuing different careers, caring for different children, reading different books, enjoying different hobbies, encountering different people, and thinking about different topics. Our goal is to discuss all these things.
You'll hear from mothers, a politician, an accountant, a missionary, a scientist, a priest, a lawyer, a teacher, a looper/investor/theologian, a professor, a pastor, and a diplomat. Some are in, or from, foreign lands, and the rest are spread across the U.S. Some are Orthodox, others Roman Catholic, the rest Protestants--all, however, are faithful believers. As you'll probably notice, what binds us transcends our differences.
My plan was to invite 12 people that would make up a most interesting, lively, and humorous dinner party--points will be awarded for all these categories! My guests are all good friends of mine. They're people I really enjoy spending time with and people I've learned from over the years. I think they'd enjoy each others company, but they don't even all know each other. I have no intention of directing the conversation at the meal, so you'll read about all sorts of topics here. Well, the table is set and the food is ready--lets begin.
Where shall we begin discussing all these things?
Well, "we'll begin at the beginning and go on till we come to the end; then stop."
Hopefully, you will join us on the journey, give us your comments, and tell a friend or two along the way.
Thomas More
P.S. There won't really be any points awarded (yet.)
I always assumed AllTheseThings was referring to Rm. 8:37 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
G Didy
Posted by: Didymus | May 23, 2006 at 12:31 PM
I guess we can be all these things to all (these) people too. Here at the beginning, I thought getting the insights on life from all over the map (literally) and from different denominational, professional, and personal backgrounds would be illuminating.
Given the varied interests and ways we are in the world, I thought of the Matthew verse in light of the things of the world that we concern ourselves with and that are added unto us.
They are added if, of course, we first focus on the first things.
I guess your different take on the very title proves my point. It is interesting to have different passions, interests, insights, assumptions, biases, and backgrounds, and then listen and learn as we see them play out!
Thomas More
Posted by: Thomas More | May 23, 2006 at 04:21 PM