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A very fine post, Didymus.

Thomas More


Would you say that is the most important passage in the gospels, or the most important passage in the gospels as it relates to church behavior?

Meaning, is it the most important thing the church should study in guiding its behavior, or is it universally, on all matters, of primary importance?

If the later, I'm going to nominate: Matt. 28:6.

Thomas More


Tommy Boy,
I hear you on this. I would say that to have the opportunity to do/say Mt. 28:6 to the world John 20:24 has to be true about the Church. Just to be "with" Thomas is not all that powerful if you have nothing to invite him to...nothing worth belonging to, worth believing in. John 20:24, the first thing. Mt. 28:6 the most important.

Nice clarificaiton T.


I've always thought Thomas gets more of a bum rap than perhaps he deserves. In Jn 20:19-20, when Jesus appeared to the other disciples, the first thing he did was to show them his hands and his side. It was only then that the disciples rejoiced. It's hard for me to fault Thomas too much for asking for the evidence that Jesus seemed to understand all the disciples would need.


Excellent thoughts, Didymus!

The kingdom is like a party for pastors, garbage men, presidents and hookers.


Thank you for your comment. Yes, Thomas did not ask for anything the others hadn't already witnessed...still Jesus has a special blessing for those who believe without seeing - what is that about?



Great image of the Kingdom.
Thank You,

Thomas More


Thanks for that perspective on Thomas. I hadn't thought of that before, and I think you're right.

But part of the bum rap is deserved. Thomas had become close, if not best, friends with these other 10 guys and the women involved over the last three years. To a person, they all tell him the same story about what happened and what they saw. Yet he doubts.

Quite a slap in the face of his buddies I think. Imagine spreading the gospel throughout the whole world if everyone adopted Thomas's approach. In fact, spreading the gospel relies on people believing their friends'--and sometimes strangers'--testimony of what they've seen, heard, or experienced.


"It's hard for me to fault Thomas too much for asking for the evidence that Jesus seemed to understand all the disciples would need."

It seems to me the whole point of St. John's account here is that Judas had reliable witnesses, so why did he still need to see for himself? Most of the church for most of history has asserted that you can trust the witnesses (which includes the Scriptures themselves) so trust the message.

Using Thomas as an example of an unbeliever being welcomed is a stretch. Thomas had seen plenty, and had even made professions of faith of a sort already in John. I think that a better way of looking at the "us lions" approach is that Christians all go through low points in their faith. Thomas wasn't just welcomed, he chose to remain, despite his doubts. There are other passages speaking of unbelievers in worship (as in 1 Corinthians 14) that are more to the point.

I still agree with your overall point, but I'm not sure John 20 is where I'd turn.


Thanks Ed. Your point is a good one, I'm just taking Thomas at his word, "unless...I will not." Is it possible to be a believer and not believe yourself to be? I recall Augustine has something to say on this. I continue to look at this account as a challenge to the Church. To be sure Thomas should be commended for choosing to hang in there - the question remains to the Church however, are we that kind of community that will find a way to help Thomas linger until Jesus does what only he can do?

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