Here's a funny one from cartoonist Michael Ramirez, courtesy of Port McClellan.
This comes in response to Senator Kerry's remarks at a California community college, where he basically said if you study hard, you can succeed. If not, you get "stuck in Iraq." The ramifications on the Democrats nationally are unknown, but it certainly does not help reverse the perception that Democratic leaders do not have a healthy respect for our soldiers. Kerry insists it was a botched joke directed at the President's intelligence not the soldiers', we'll see what the voters think.
Democratic candidates in Iowa, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania think they know the voters' response and canceled scheduled events with Kerry. One Democrat in Washington, D.C. said, in essence, "he wasn't happy to blow the party's chances just in 2004, now he's got to do it again in 2006!"
Ouch. Good luck with the primary in 2008, Senator.
How Rove forced Kerry to make the remark into a live mic is being investigated by Howard Dean and crew.
Thomas More