84%! According to George Gallup 84% of Americans believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Really? 84%? That seems high to me.
I'm not sure I believe it 84% of the time, with even 84% conviction. But I do know that when I approach living like a rescued man, a man who dug his own grave was buried up to my neck and pulled from the pit by someone who volunteered to take my place - everything really is different. Better. Not perfect, not easy - redeemed.
I take great comfort in knowing that Jesus Christ, resurrected and glorified appeared to the Disciples with open wounds (he is speaking to Didymus in this verse). I'm not sure why this means so much to me - maybe because I feel so wounded so much of the time. I'm tempted to believe that my woundedness comes from the ways in which I've been victimized by life. But the reality is my deepest wound, the one that keeps hurting me and costing me over and over again is the 16%.
The 16% of the time I don't believe at all. The 16% of me that holds back even on the days when I'm in the 84%.
It changes everything, this 16%. This is my wound. It is my doubting heart. And when Jesus shows up, with open wounds like he does, its as if he is inviting me to stop doubting and believe, follow me, be like me - the walking wounded, the wounded healer.
May God forgive me and continue to invite us all to stop doubting and believe.
Be His,