Most Republicans I talk to are more horrified by the prospect of Hillary as President than excited by the prospect of one of the Republicans winning. This point of view has not been lost on leading Democrats, who see her high negative numbers as a drag on their party's other races. They are worried this fear will cause more GOP voters to vote than otherwise would be the case.
This survey of leading Democrats explains the Dems'--quite, but very present--fear of Hillary. You should give it a read.
Thomas More
I'm not wanting to sign up for an LA Times account, so I will ask a slightly different question: why are Republicans afraid of Hillary? It seems to me that reasons I have heard (when I have heard them) boil down to two groups: she's a Democrat, and she's a woman.
I should clarify the second category. I do not mean to say that Republicans are misogynists. I mean that Hillary exhibits strong personality traits that are viewed as negatives, that, if she were a male, would not be commented on (or would be considered positive).
For reasons in the second grouping, I do not immediately see how that should affect her potential presidency. For reasons in the first grouping, my curiosity is why Hillary should be so much worse than any other Democrat. So, why are Republicans (viscerally?) afraid of Hillary?
Posted by: Tim | August 23, 2007 at 08:13 AM