You might remember some months ago that I wrote about birth rates. They are a real problem in the West, despite the claims of the 'over population' crowd. Most Western nations, but for immigration, are looking at population declines, which lead to serious social and economic problems. Simply, economies don't work well when too many people are retired. You need the younger generation to thrive.
This problem, you might recall, is particularly bad in Russia. One governor there has come up with the solution. A baby-making holiday. Don't go to work, just make babies. Talk about big government. Yikes.
At least they won't be making war,
Thomas More
I wouldn't be so sure about that... Russians flying into UK airspace, along with exploding vaccuum bombs, and Putin dissolving the Russian government doesn't bode well for world peace.
Posted by: T. | September 16, 2007 at 09:22 AM
Good point. More said in jest I think. On a more serious note, I think Russia is a mid-to-long-term problem. As their economy crumbles with their demographic problems, and while they maintain a huge military capability, the temptation will be for a nationalist to rally the people to war against some outside enemy (like 1930's Germany did), rather than deal with their internal problem.
Posted by: Thomas More | September 17, 2007 at 09:43 AM