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Thomas More

Way to go S!!! Great story. C & C keep wrestling with the issue of baptism. Theire main hang-up, it seems, is that it has to be done in front of so many people.


Thomas, might it help if the girls had something to read or recite in their statement of faith? (the Apostle's Creed)

For the Orthodox, people are baptized in the middle of the church with everyone around, so though everyone can see, they are not up on a pedestal, as it were. Could whatever is used be brought down in to the midst of the congregation?

Just a few thoughts.


Thomas More


It's done in a nearby swimming pool or in the ocean. That makes the moving the baptismal tough at our church. That's the practical.

From the symbolic, I do like them having to have everyone in their faith community staring at them. Like the public commitment made at a marriage ceremony, they need to stand up in front of witnesses and publicly proclaim "I'm on your team now, help me follow Jesus" (so to speak.) So, from the public proclamation standpoint, I don't mind them having to be up front. It makes it a bigger commitment when others know and are charged with supporting you in the decision--just as with marriage.

My two cents.


All of the above seems fine. Just don't do what I learned was done in the followers of the 2nd century heretic Montanus, which was to baptize "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Lord Montanus"!

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