Why did the Christians meet together daily? They needed to be strengthened in their faith. We live in a new area and it is taking a while to make friends. Where we used to live, there were few people who shared our faith and way of life. As Thomas More mentioned in a recent post, we try to keep the forefeast as a time of prayer and fasting, not feasting. Knowing others are eating lentils or plain pasta makes it easier to do so. We all know the story of the children with Down Syndrome who went back to help up the last who fell and crossed the finish line together. Living in community is like that. Getting 'there' first, isn't the point.
A few days ago the children were sledding - one sled, 5 kids. They decided each child could have three turns each. One girl insisted on going alone. She had her three turns. The next two girls realized that if they went together, they could each have six turns (and we all know one goes faster and further together). It struck me as a picture of the Christian life - one goes to Hell alone, but to Heaven together. As with so many images of Heaven, our Christian journey on earth - the struggle - is a preparation for the Heavenly Banquet.
Glory Forever,