A number of years ago my husband led a devotional on the 4 angelic appearances in the Christmas story. The first is to Zachariah, the second to Mary, the third to Joseph and the final one is to the shepherds. Interestingly, each time the angel appears, he begins begins with "Do not be afraid." Additionally, he explains WHY there is no reason to fear. To Zachariah he says it's because his prayers have been heard. To Mary he says it's because she's found favor with God. To Joseph he says it's because God is the author of this apparent trouble. And to the shepherds he says it's because there is Good News!
Each Christmas I carry the reminder of that devotional in my heart, remembering the wonderful words of the angel. For I, too, am a recipient of answered prayer, God's favor, His working of all things for good in my life, and the Good News.
But this year I've felt more than my usual dose of fear. My husband and I are struggling to discern God's next step for our family, and I find myself in a whirlwind of concerns and anxious thoughts. I am mostly concerned for my teenage daughter and what the future holds for her. Yesterday I had my own "Do Not Be Afraid" message. As I was reading in the New Testament and talking to the Lord, I stumbled across the words "Don't be afraid," and they were RED. (In my Bible, that means that they were Jesus' direct words.) I backed up and read the context and knew it was God's intentional message for me. "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." (Luke 12:6-7)
I immediately recognized that the fear and anxiety I've been experiencing is the result of not believing that God remembers me, or even worse, my daughter. But He is reminding me that we are not forgotten by Him! The complexities of our lives and our future are remembered by Him every moment, and He has a good plan.
In whatever place or situation you find yourself this Christmas season, may God speak to you His words: "Do not be afraid."
-Theresa Olive