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Pete from Arkansas

The republicans have an opportunity to crush democrats in this election. Iraq is now a tiny issue compared to gas prices. Every repub congressman should have a video "Do you like $4 gasoline, $6 or $8 gas. Well, the dems said no drilling offshore in California, no drilling offshore in Florida, no drilling in Anwar, no drilling in Colorado, and, if you build a $3 billion refinery, you will jump through hoops you can't even imagine, and when it's built our policy will be to shut it down. If you like $4 or $6 or $8 gasoline, vote for your democrat. " If this message is repeated by every repub, the dems will be crushed. Few care about Iraq, but everyone cares about gas.

Thomas More


I agree with your point that the rising issue, economically, is rising prices. It makes a good election move, but doesn't fix the over all GOP problem. That is, they can keep coming up with election strategies all they want, but they REALLY need to come up with a new governing strategy. Specifically, they must reduce government (which is referenced in your comment with the regulations put on building a new refinery) and free up people to live and work on their own accord.

If we 'crush' dems time and time again but do not govern properly, we are burying talents.

Thanks for your comment, it is appreciated.

Thomas More

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