I was never a groupie; the number of concerts I went to can be counted on one hand. But two days ago I enjoyed an hour as a fan and went with my mother to a book reading by author Leif Enger. He read from his new book, "So Brave, Young, and Handsome."
Enger's first novel "Peace Like a River" sold 1 million copies, and now seven years later his second novel is doing well, too. They both take place in the MidWest among manly men; his audience was composed of men and women. I try to read 21st century novels, but their angst and overtly base descriptions send me away. Not so with Enger. I can read his books without wondering what I'll need to filter out in the next chapter. But more attractive than the lack of horror is the numinous, all-permeating kindness, gentleness, mercy and attendant humor. Enger loves his characters and during his reading spoke of them as if they were real - outside of himself. He smiles at their faults and loves them anyway. Both of Enger's books search for redemption - and his bad guy is searching for justice, even immortality: but an earthly one.
I cannot recommend Enger's books highly enough. His writing is poetic, funny, earthy; he also knows his history.
Reading in Peace and Joy,