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I agree with all the sentiments you express. I would note, however, that my kids have always "prized" their trophies and medals from soccer and other sports, even though everyone else on the team received the same trophy or medal. My thinking is that younger kids enjoy receiving them and so I don't oppose giving them to everyone on the team. But I think there's an age, sometime around 9 or 10, after which trophies should be awarded only for merit.

And don't get me started on the subject of after-game snacks.


Good point, John. I think about the children in Myanmar or the survivors of the earthquake in China. Do you think they would clamor for a trophy right now? While they’re starving to death, our kids get a snack at halftime and another snack and juice box at the end of the game.
Last week, a parent brought fresh, cold watermelon for halftime. At the end of the game, the kids wanted to know where their snack was. He pointed to the watermelon. Scandalous! They actually had to eat the same food twice in a 20-minute period.

Thomas More

Awesome post. Simply awesome. Your mother burned her bra, now you are burning the trophies--the world's turned full circle!

Viva La Revolucion!

Thomas More

Not your actual mom, I am sure, Lucy. Meaning to-be soccer mom's of an earlier generation in general!


Well said, Lucy Pevensie.

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