There’s an advertising slogan that says “Around here, you have to love what you drive”. And I do. It’s small and sporty, not unlike its owner. (Ha ha). But “my baby” as I like to call it, has in the past fallen foul of the dreaded teenagers who break windows and pull out stereos and generally make a huge mess. This lead me to do what most car owners do sooner or later, which is to install a really loud, obnoxious car alarm to alert me (and, in fact, the whole neighborhood) to such dastardly deeds. But as I sat on my balcony a few days ago, after one more evening/night/early morning of listening to various car alarms beeping, whining, screaming and whooping, I wondered if it was all worth it. I actually decided it wasn’t. I just want some peace and quiet.
It’s not as if my street is a hot-bed of car theft. I can almost guarantee that none of the car alarms I heard in the last 24 hours were caused by an actual break-in. More likely they were due to someone in the adjacent car closing their door a little too enthusiastically, or someone like me opening the door and forgetting to disengage the alarm, or in the case of my garage neighbor, due to me backing up to within 10 feet of his monstrous GMC Denali.
There’s such a thing as loving something too much. And if I can say that about my car, anyone can. I wish we could do away with car alarms and let anyone who’s that determined, just take the *&^*%$*&% thing. It’s just a car. Most of us have insurance, and if I an unfortunate enough to have to use it, I think I’ll buy something even smaller and sportier. Come to think of it, I might just leave the keys in the ignition tonight and see what happens. Ironically, we’ll all get a better nights sleep if we leave the keys in the ignition and the alarms turned off.