CNN, somewhat surprisingly to me, ran this interesting piece from Chuck Colson. Colson recounts--in light of the Gov. Blogojevich situation--his own experience facing prosecution and prison. The crash from the heights of power to the depths of confinement helped crush his pride, and introduce him to Christ.
Here's a preview:
If Blagojevich is guilty, the best thing that could happen to him is to be tried and convicted. He's going to have to reach rock bottom -- just as I did -- before he will be able to escape his own prison of pride, self-delusion and self-righteousness. But that's a transformation we can never accomplish on our own. I can vouch for the fact that human pride is simply too strong.
Colson also describes the problem our society, and how it pushes materialism and worship of self. He also details his own conversion, and finding a common view with Solzhenitsyn on the value of prison.
Interesting stuff,
Thomas More